Faux Greenery

Faux Greenery

When I first started getting into home décor I would buy real plants and new flowers every week. While I love the smell of some fresh flowers in my home, I realized I was spending A LOT of money on flowers every week. On top of that, I don't have a green thumb (we've talked [...]

China Hutch Upcycle

China Hutch Upcycle

I didn't actually realize how long this project had been in the works until I sat down to write about it. For those who follow me on Instagram, you might remember the stories I posted about this hutch. I found it last year in May and HAD to have it. The problem, it is HUGE, [...]

Christmas Table Décor

Christmas Table Décor

Anyone else feel like Christmas is just sneaking up on us? How is December already halfway over?!?! I had all my decorations out the weekend of Thanksgiving, and somehow, I'm still not done decorating everything! Could it be because I keep redecorating areas I've already decorated? Hmm... I started thinking about what I wanted to [...]

Fall Home Tour

Fall Home Tour

We officially have a walking baby!! Landon has been taking a few wobbly steps each day but last night he walked all the way across the living room! It was cute, exciting and terrifying all at the same time 🙂 With each new milestone comes a whole new stage of unexpectedness (I'm going to pretend [...]

Small Buffet Upcycle

Small Buffet Upcycle

Hi everyone!!! Wow, it feels like I've been gone for SO LONG! I mean, 2 months isn't forever but still, I missed posting for you and I'm glad to be back at it. Thank you for hanging in there while I took a little break. I was able to accomplish quite a few things around [...]

Room Makeover…Home Bar

Room Makeover…Home Bar

Last week when I was sick, I started re-watching the Gossip Girl series on DVD. It helped pass the 4 days I spent in bed. The problem...now I can't stop watching episodes...back-to-back-to-back. It is making me completely unproductive. All I've gotten accomplish today is eaten 2 meals, watched 4 episodes and styled the new little bar area [...]

DIY Planter Centerpiece

DIY Planter Centerpiece

My first cold of the season...and I am not a happy camper. I hate being sick because it makes me feel so unproductive but I guess it is good for me to just slow down and rest for a while. I took it easy today and threw together this cute little faux planter centerpiece for [...]

DIY Menu Chalkboard

DIY Menu Chalkboard

I finally bought a fiddle leaf fig tree!!!! I have been wanting one of these for SO long but have been nervous to pull the trigger because they are spendy and I have what you would call a black thumb as opposed to a green thumb. Now, I didn't re-pot the plant because as I [...]

Pillar Candle Chandelier

Pillar Candle Chandelier

We moved into this house and one of the things I loved most was the huge open area off the kitchen where I could create a dining room complete with a farm table for entertaining. The only problem, and something I didn't want to tackle, there was no overhead electrical in the room! Yes, I [...]

Farmhouse Table

Farmhouse Table

Well, that was an awfully long 2 weeks of blog neglect. The holidays and the craziness of my other job certainly got the best of my time. But, I'm coming back with a bang! My DIY farmhouse table!!!! This is BY FAR my favorite DIY and my most proud moment yet. I'm still a bit [...]