Site icon Just Like Playing House

Inspired by…accent walls

I have finally decided to, once and for all, admit something to myself…I am NOT capable of keeping plants alive. (Insert sad face emoji here). Since the holidays, taking down Christmas décor and trying to freshen up the house, I have had 4 different potted plants on my dining room table. I think the longest any of them have lived is 2 1/2 weeks. Granted, I’ve not really done my research about which plants should be indoor versus outdoor, water and light needs, etc. but come on…4 plants in 2 1/2 months?!?! Sorry mom, maybe I really shouldn’t have children!

I’ve been thinking about accent walls lately. I have so many different places in the house that I could put one but I don’t want to over do it…decisions! Gone are the days when an accent wall is just a different or bold paint color. There are so many different versions; wallpaper, wood plank, stone, stripes.

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